
The home of Aaron Traas — man of faith, science, and very bad humor

Oops! Shortly after I put up the post "Ad-blockers are not evil" where I lambasted publishing sites and ad networks for tracking their users across the Internet, I realized that I was running Google Analytics. I got into the habit of adding Google Analytics to every site I build just because that's what my clients want. In a lot of cases, it really does make sense, such as if you're serving ads on your site, or need to generate certain kinds of reports.

Traas.org, however, doesn't have those needs. So I'm tracking you and your usage for no reason. I promptly removed the GA tracking code on 9/16/2015, and am now just relying on Apache's logs for metrics.

As of today, I've also removed the use of third-party CDN hosted Javascript, CSS, and fonts. Everything is now served from Traas.org's servers. For full transparency, I am using CloudFlare as a caching proxy and CDN, but as everything is served up from my domain, I feel a lot more comfortable with that.

See the new traas.org privacy policy for more info. Let me know if there are any other steps you think I should take to maximize user privacy.

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